Organic Natural Tofu 300g

New product

Ingredients: organic soybeans, water
Product weight: 300g
Expiration date: up to 45 days

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7,50 zł tax incl.

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We care about the high quality of our products. Tofu is produced from non-GM soybean in Mysiadle near Warsaw. Tofu and sprouts, due to refrigeration conditions, can be purchased only personally in our headquarter. Tofu Solida Food is available in many stores throughout Poland. The most widely available are Carrefour, Kuchnia Świata.

Health benefits

Tofu has many valuable nutrients. It is a valuable source of protein and plant unsaturated fats, a range of vitamins and minerals. Soya bean is one of the low calorie products (100g depending on the type of tofu, only 122 calories), but at the same time for high saturated products. As it is a product of plant origin, it does not contain cholesterol. Tofu supplies the body with exogenous amino acids and linoleic acid and lecithin. Tofu is a good source of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper and vitamins: choline, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, folic acid), vitamin A.

Tofu can be steamed, in sauces or fried. Traditional hard tofu that has gained popularity in Asia is less fragile and more compact. It is especially used as a food additive because it is well absorbed in pickles and spices.

Nutrition Facts (100g)
Calories 331 kJ
79 kcal
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
4 g
0,6 g
Total Carbohydrate
1,9 g
0 g
Protein 8,1 g
Salt 0 g
